Magic & Morality Public School Outreaches

     This is a huge, community-wide evangelistic event typically held on Thursday night. God has really used these rallies to see kids, teens, & adults come to Christ and be added to the church! Several churches have seen over 100 first-time visitors come through this ministry! God has used this tool of illusions to attract a crowd of lost people to hear the gospel. Primarily we enter public schools, hold morality talks, and invite young people to church for a bigger illusion show where I will preach the gospel. Hundreds of first-time visitors have come to church, heard the gospel, & trusted Christ! We have done many variations of this including a town meeting, a neighborhood picnic, & Bible clubs! Click here to view our Magic and Morality home page!

     God has called me to be an evangelist. My burden is “to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named” (Rom 15:20) and see unreached people get saved! Illusions are just a tool we use which God has blessed. The illusions have opened the door for us to have a ministry in the public schools!

5 Goals
1. We want to be a blessing and encouragement to your church! (1 Thes 5:11)
2. We want to see many people get saved, especially those who would not normally come to church.
3. We want to see God add people to your church! (Acts 2:41, 47)
4. We want to give your church many first-time visitor contacts for you to "follow up"!
5. We want God to use this event to promote your church to your community and to let your community know your church cares about them! (Matt 28:18-20)

     Unreached people in public schools: Some statistics say 3 out of 4 young people have never been to a church of any kind. We want to reach them and their families! We target people who do not normally come to church & who have never heard how to be saved!

1. We fast and pray about this event. (Matt 17:21)
2. We promote a free illusion show to your church and your community! (1 Tim 6:17)
3. We work to get into public schools. We have 3 options for public schools to choose from, and these options have been well received by superintendents and principals all over the country!
4. We can print newspaper articles, go to parks, or hit the streets to find people! (Lk 14:23)
5. We hold a rally at your church, preach the gospel, and depend on that gospel to draw sinners to Christ!

     As guests come to the church, they register for door prizes. The pastor/youth pastor opens in prayer and then turns the program over to us for a 55 minute, first-class, large-scale illusion program. After the finale trick, we preach the gospel & invite people to be saved. As some are being counseled, the pastor will draw names for door prizes and close the program!

     No charge! We do not charge a church! We travel full-time on the road & live off the love offerings and gifts of God’s people. We trust God to meet our needs, and He always has!

     God has opened doors for us to present Magic and Morality in AL, FL, GA, IL, IN, MI, NC, OH, OK, PA, SD, TN, and the Bahamas! We have presented in over 22 cities! God has allowed us to get into over 31 public schools! Church size has ranged from about 40 to over 800 people! Town size has ranged from about 1000 to 400,000 people! First-time visitors have ranged from about 14 to over 225 people! Attendance has ranged from about 50 to over 350! God has allowed us to see literally hundreds saved through this ministry! We praise God for giving much fruit! (Jn 15:5)

Thank you for prayerfully considering Magic and Morality,
Evangelist David and Joy Corn
Jude 22-23; 2 Cor 12:9

(713) 857-7206 * 10310 Sablebrook Ln; Houston, TX 77095 *

Recommendations by Men of God


Sr. Pastor Dr. John Waterloo, Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, OK
     We saw over 50 salvations and had over 200 first time visitors. It was truly an amazing and captivating event. Our church was not just blessed, but amazed by the presentation and the turnout from local teens and children. It made a lasting impact on our church and I would have David back many times over! Phenomenal was the first word that came to my mind. God truly used David and his presentation to present the gospel of Jesus Christ. The response to the gospel was a blessing to the church. He gets my highest recommendation!

Evangelist Dr. Dave Young, In Full-time Evangelism for 17+ years
     Evangelist David Corn has served with our revival ministry for almost three years and in that time has put together a simple and powerful ministry that helps local churches have an impact on the public school teens of our generation. David, who is both an accomplished illusionist and an experienced youth evangelist, conducts assemblies in public schools that combine magic tricks (illusions) with a morality talk on a variety of issues. David combines those assemblies with local church youth rallies and invites each student to attend. At that rally, he conducts a program of illusions and presents the Gospel clearly, Scripturally, and powerfully. Through his program, teens will not only hear the Gospel but will also become acquainted with a local Independent Baptist Church in their area. Many, many teens, children, and parents have prayed to receive Christ in these youth rallies. I have watched the program, heard the messages, and seen the fruit. I highly recommend Evangelist David Corn and Magic and Morality!

Sr. Pastor Tim Fellure, Victory Baptist Church in Milton, FL
     Our church recently held a Magic and Morality rally with Evangelist David Corn, and we were amazed at how the Lord worked. Bro. Corn performed a very impressive illusions show and then the gospel was clearly and boldly preached. At the end of the evening, eleven young people were personally dealt with and trusted Christ. I whole-heartedly recommend Evangelist Corn and this great tool for youth evangelism.

Sr. Pastor Jim Lester, Fannin Road Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL
     Dave Corn is one of the finest youth speakers in this country. His skill of using illusions are like none I have ever seen. The Lord opened the door for Bro Corn to speak and perform in four public and two private schools. . . . He spoke to well over three thousand students and it all climaxed with a huge rally at our church the following Wednesday night. Well over three hundred attended and at the end of the service forty- seven young people and two adults asked the Lord to be their Savior. The following Sunday, a mother who had gotten saved in this service, brought her 17 year old daughter and she received Christ as her Lord and Savior. Our church is still talking about these great services! In the day we live, you have to be very careful who you bring into your ministry. Dave and Joy Corn are a fine Christian couple with impeccable Christian character and values. I highly recommend them to all churches desiring to reach our public schools for Christ.

Pastor Lynn Schuyler, Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, OK
     We couldn't have been more pleased or blessed than we were with David Corn and his Magic and Morality program. The magic act was impressive and presented with great humor and feeling. The message that David shared was not only life changing, but presented dynamically. I will not soon forget what God did that night through one of his great men, David Corn.

Pastor Rob Brown, First Baptist Church in Tipton, IN
     I cannot recommend Brother David and his wife, Joy, enough. . . . We staged a large youth rally on Friday night with 500 young people in attendance. David put on a riveting show for one solid hour and after the message we saw a dozen teenagers trust Christ. If you are trying to reach into the public schools in your area, Brother David has an extremely effective way of accomplishing this. Book them ASAP!

Sr. Pastor Tim Spitsbergen, Calvary Baptist Church in Tinley Park, IL
     Chicago area public schools are in no way friendly to Christians. We prayed for God to open a door to our area public schools, and He answered. We spoke to a middle school principal, and she said, “We are having an epidemic of cheating at the school. We need Magic and Morality. You may present your program to each lunch hour, table by table.” Praise the Lord! A couple of dozen young people came to Magic and Morality held at our church from that school, and we saw just over half a dozen make professions of faith.

Sr. Pastor Rich Sevilla, Heritage Baptist Church in Cordova, TN
     Last summer our church had the privilege of hosting the ministry of Evangelist Corn for a three evening “Magic and Morality” conference. We found that unchurched families are looking for wholesome activities to take their children. Those that came the first night kept coming each night. They wanted to see and hear him again! In fact, several invited other families to attend! For us, it is unusual to have visitors invite other visitors! I was pleased with how Evangelist Corn transitioned from performing illusions and then appropriately guided the minds of the audience into a clear Gospel message. He and his wife are excellent in their individual counseling with those who respond to the preaching. I did not personally know Evangelist Corn before the conference. During the week he was with is, I became impressed with his character, godliness and passion for the Gospel. I highly recommend any pastor to consider using Evangelist Corn as a possible outreach ministry.


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